
In this glorious sunshine, what colour hat will you wear to fuel your creative mindset?

Similar to ‘Reservoir Dogs’, you too can assume a character using a different colour hat, that allows you to bring something special to your startup.

The late Edward De Bono’s ‘Six Hats’ methodology is worth considering, as it allows you to dramatically cut your decision-making time, create a democratic process and increase your team’s creativity.

– White Hat (data & facts): Mr White is pragmatic and professional.
– Red Hat (emotions & feelings): Who wants to be Mr Pink? – an emotional and motor-mouth character who has strong intuition.
– Black Hat (caution & risk).
– Green Hat (creativity).
– Yellow Hat (optimism).
– Blue Hat (control): Mr Blue does not suffer fools.

As Einstein said, ‘creativity is intelligence having fun!’
Thank you Ian – a most interesting read! #womenintech#oneteam#techher#startups